
Your Journey Begins

Your Journey Begins

You are in the early stages of your journey as a medical professional, and planning for life after work is probably the last thing on your mind. But consider this: Over the coming years, your income will likely increase significantly, and you’ll become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. At some point, you will decide to stop work, and we want to ensure that stopping work doesn’t mean stopping your preferred… Read More »Your Journey Begins

10-Point Money Checklist for Doctors

10-Point Money Checklist for Doctors

1. Live on Less Than You Earn – Aim to Save a Minimum of 10% of Gross Income Use a reliable app to track your monthly income and categorise expenses. Understanding your cash flow helps identify areas for saving or reallocation. Pay yourself first – save before spending what’s left. This is key to financial planning for doctors. 2. Use Debt Sensibly to Build Wealth Minimise bad debt by prioritising… Read More »10-Point Money Checklist for Doctors

3 Secrets for Doctors to Supercharge Wealth Growth

3 Secrets for Doctors to Supercharge Wealth Growth

You might not realise it, but if you’re a doctor, you have special powers to make your wealth journey truly successful… You have the potential to earn as much income as the hours you’re able to work. This is due to the high demand for medical professionals in regional and rural locations, as well as your ability to do locum work at high daily rates across the country. You can… Read More »3 Secrets for Doctors to Supercharge Wealth Growth

The 8th Wonder of the World

The 8th Wonder of the World

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. “He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” ― Albert Einstein. Warren Buffett has said that compound interest is an investor’s best friend and compared building wealth through interest to rolling a snowball down a hill. A simple way to see the effect of compound interest is ‘The Rule of 72’. It’s a simple yet effective tool that… Read More »The 8th Wonder of the World

Foundations of a wealthy lifestyle

A study conducted by the Australian Stock Exchange reported that nearly 25% of investors over the past two years were aged 18 to 24. These young Australians were found to be knowledge seekers, keen to take on life and begin their journey towards financial security. If this describes you, congratulations! You get it, you really do. You’re Next Generation Investors who know that building financial independence starts early. However, according… Read More »Foundations of a wealthy lifestyle

Are you investing or gambling?

Investing in different asset classes such as equities, commodities, and fixed-income assets is a great way to accumulate wealth, but it is important to have a sound investment strategy in place. This article covers five warning signs that you may be gambling instead of investing. The potential financial results of investing can feel limitless, and it can be tempting to think that just one stock pick could make you an… Read More »Are you investing or gambling?

Wealth protection through the ages

Wealth protection through the ages Insurance plays an important role in any wealth creation and management strategy. There is little point in accumulating wealth if you don’t protect it, or yourself, from unforeseen risks that can undermine the best-made plans. Just as your wealth creation strategy needs to be reviewed on a regular basis, so too does your wealth protection plan. Every stage of life brings exciting challenges along with… Read More »Wealth protection through the ages

Investment Summary

Below information is a summary of events and our house view from one of our investment committee members Andrea Ciaccio, Portfolio Manager AZ Sestante: The US has changed its narrative and is taking the risk of opening its economy on a set date. This has settled the market somewhat and provided certainty. However, time will tell if this strategy works. The US has already discounted a recession in its market valuations… Read More »Investment Summary

COVID-19 and the global market volatility

This is a significant opportunity as value has returned to the market Massimo Guiati Global CEO of Azimut International It is becoming increasingly apparent that the Corona-virus is far more serious than previous incidents of viral outbreaks, such as SARS in 2003 and H1N1 (swine flu) in 2009. Italy has effectively gone into lock-down / self-isolation and the US has just announced a ban on travel from Europe. The impact… Read More »COVID-19 and the global market volatility